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Jokes>Who else has done this?
AdamC 03:43 PM 01-08-2009
piperman 03:59 PM 01-08-2009
opps, sorry I can fix this.
GKitty 04:46 PM 01-08-2009
Wanted to... yes.
Actually done it... no.
mikeandshellie2 03:06 AM 01-10-2009
Done it, nope
Metalnoise777 03:09 AM 01-10-2009
No, Ive had about a kabillion in dollars taken in my lifetime so I would like to though.
Don Fernando 03:22 AM 01-10-2009
I use a baseball bat
AdamC 08:42 AM 01-10-2009
I've kicked through one once by accident, never like that though.