hikari 08:46 AM 05-06-2021
Originally Posted by markem:
I like the design. I'd use a rubber band to hold the lid on when transporting. Plus, it will be easy to clean.
Wonder what the cost to print would be and how hard it would be to add a custom design to the top.
Well, I made the design quickly. With that said, a rubber band is a fix but not sure yet. Could maybe have it slide or snap in place, or maybe one of those drop-in and push a little thing. I'm not a pro in the CAD area; I just make parts I need.
With that said, print is just the cost of resin and time, really. Resing prob < $5 bucks if I keep cost down and make it hollow, but maybe you want some weight to it and print it solid. You can also send off the file to and have CNC'd in metal or something.
Any how works been crazy this week. I take it when I can.
I haven't looked at this since.
hikari 09:04 AM 05-06-2021
Originally Posted by jledou:
I do have a Csonka (ozone) and it will clear the smell out overnight.
Hey buddy,
So I received my Ozone unit yesterday had a cigar and tried it.
I will add the box and all the material is all in Chinese and honestly don't even see the manufacture's name on the unit but looks like the picture lol.
With that said I put it in the manual, It didn't seem to clean things up still noticed the ash in the morning.
With that said I looked at the instructions again in Chinese and could see there are 3 levels to the manual I guess I was one. Going to set it to high-level 3 tonight and see how it goes. I think it does 30min then rest for 10 for 3 cycles.
This was cheap like $50 bucks on ebay, My thinking was to try it then and if it works halfway decent spend some money and get something better. However, I'm resorted to ebay because of Califonia's restrictions to sell them here. Can't even buy from amazon lol..
I know you said you have a Csonka and it works well for you can you tell me a little bit more about it. I looked it up it's nice and compact but it's like $300 bucks.
Originally Posted by icehog3:
Being that it is Stinky and it is Thompson's, I'd say you'd be good for at least a weekend. :-)
Well, aren't we optimistic this morning....
icehog3 09:53 AM 05-06-2021
Originally Posted by T.G:
Well, aren't we optimistic this morning....
Or drunk yesterday morning, six one way....

hikari 11:16 AM 05-06-2021
Ok I ran the Ozone for 2hrs and nothing still smells ash. being it was bought on eBay I'm skeptical if it even works. I should smell something in the air when it's running and even opening the door after the 110min 3 cycles before opening windows I don't smell anything in the air in the way of ozone as others have said.
Returning to seller on ebay. (Another one bits the dust)
Havanaaddict 11:57 AM 05-06-2021
I can tell you that I used the
Alpine Living Air Classic Air Purifier XL-15C for over 10 years and it worked great for removing any smells! Lots on ebay some just for parts look carefully. Like I said before leave it on for an hour or like I did over night. I would just come in in the morning and switch the vent for a few mins. You can also buy replacement ozone plates for it. I stopped using mine as my kids are older now, one has moved out and the other is 17 teen. So I don't worry about any smell in the house. With the venting system I have now it completely changes all the air in the room every min. I also have a air purifier and I burn a candle.
Havanaaddict 12:12 PM 05-06-2021
hikari 12:37 PM 05-06-2021
So go big or go home I guess
Ebay unit dropped off at post office.
I talked to the owner of bioBlaster an ozonegenerator site.
Spent like 20min on the phone with him very nice explaining the technical aspects of it.
With that said I went in and just ordered one of his "Home Pro"
It was $393 shipping included.
I'll keep you guys posted on how it is.
Also already got tracking lol he's on it.
hikari 12:40 PM 05-06-2021
Originally Posted by Havanaaddict:
I can tell you that I used the Alpine Living Air Classic Air Purifier XL-15C for over 10 years and it worked great for removing any smells! Lots on ebay some just for parts look carefully. Like I said before leave it on for an hour or like I did over night. I would just come in in the morning and switch the vent for a few mins. You can also buy replacement ozone plates for it. I stopped using mine as my kids are older now, one has moved out and the other is 17 teen. So I don't worry about any smell in the house. With the venting system I have now it completely changes all the air in the room every min. I also have a air purifier and I burn a candle.
Dame so this to late already made the order.
It defiantly looks nicer like you can leave it on a desk and just use it when needed vs the one I just ordered all stainless steel and what not
hikari 12:43 PM 05-06-2021
Also, interesting fact I just learned from this fact.
Is, you should not use a filter with carbon in it while running the ozone generator.
The carbon will catch the ozone.
Also, you can recharge your carbon filter by leaving them both on for a while and not have to replace your carbon filter as much
Havanaaddict 12:51 PM 05-07-2021
I hope this one works out for you! It looks like it should if you are looking for something to run after you are done smoking and want to kill the smell. It seemed to loud to have running all the time but it looks like it is not made to do that. The Alpine Living Air Classic Air Purifier XL-15C style is made to be ran all the time 24/7 while you in the room ( I used to cut mine off when I was in the room with the door closed) And just flip the switch when I left the room. It was down stairs and would run 24/7 throughout the house, killed the cigar smell and any cooking orders also. When it was running it sounded like a small leak in a tire (al low shhhhhhh)
hikari 07:48 PM 05-07-2021
Originally Posted by Havanaaddict:
I hope this one works out for you! It looks like it should if you are looking for something to run after you are done smoking and want to kill the smell. It seemed to loud to have running all the time but it looks like it is not made to do that. The Alpine Living Air Classic Air Purifier XL-15C style is made to be ran all the time 24/7 while you in the room ( I used to cut mine off when I was in the room with the door closed) And just flip the switch when I left the room. It was down stairs and would run 24/7 throughout the house, killed the cigar smell and any cooking orders also. When it was running it sounded like a small leak in a tire (al low shhhhhhh)
Interesting I did not know this.
I was under the assumption that with ozone generators you are not supposed to be in the room while it’s on.
jledou 08:47 AM 05-10-2021
Originally Posted by hikari:
Hey buddy,
So I received my Ozone unit yesterday had a cigar and tried it.
I will add the box and all the material is all in Chinese and honestly don't even see the manufacture's name on the unit but looks like the picture lol.
With that said I put it in the manual, It didn't seem to clean things up still noticed the ash in the morning.
With that said I looked at the instructions again in Chinese and could see there are 3 levels to the manual I guess I was one. Going to set it to high-level 3 tonight and see how it goes. I think it does 30min then rest for 10 for 3 cycles.
This was cheap like $50 bucks on ebay, My thinking was to try it then and if it works halfway decent spend some money and get something better. However, I'm resorted to ebay because of Califonia's restrictions to sell them here. Can't even buy from amazon lol..
I know you said you have a Csonka and it works well for you can you tell me a little bit more about it. I looked it up it's nice and compact but it's like $300 bucks.
This is the one I have
I did not pay $300 for it, more like $75 several years ago. I works on concentration so it cycles on and off but leaving it on overnight does well. I don't use it often but during a cold spell in the winter and hanging out in the garage it does well to clear out the smell. For $300 I probably wouldn't go after it but if I found it for less it does well.
hikari 05:26 PM 05-18-2021
Hey guys,
Just wanted to follow up.
I kept it basic - KISS
And just did a top for a wide mouth mason
icehog3 05:29 PM 05-18-2021
jledou 07:18 AM 05-19-2021
Steve 07:37 AM 05-19-2021