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Jokes>The Thief
Steve 07:48 AM 05-20-2020
A thief almost got away with stealing several paintings from the Louvre!

He managed to smuggle the artwork past security, but was captured only two blocks away when his minivan ran out of gas.

When a reporter asked how he could mastermind such a crime and yet make such an obvious error, he replied:

"Monsieur, I had no Monet to buy Degas to make the Van Gogh."

(Bet you thought I lacked de Gaulle to tell a story like that!)
markem 09:19 AM 05-20-2020
As Pepe would say, Le Pew!
icehog3 10:10 AM 05-20-2020
massphatness 02:22 PM 05-20-2020
On a scale of Sacre Bleu Chunks to Oui Oui Oui All the Way Home, I give it a Mon Dieu