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All Cigar Discussion>Cigar friendly vs. cigar tolerant.
Brian D. 05:54 AM 09-06-2018
I live in Ohio, which is pretty non-smoking, but close to northern Kentucky, where the rules are up to local government and/or businesses. So, I try to hunt up cigar friendly or at least tolerant places to patronize.

My point here today, is that it's possible to turn a cigar friendly or tolerant place into a No Cigar Zone, with some knucklehead behavior. Like, if the bar has less than ideal ventilation to begin with, inviting your friends and friends all there at the same time to light 'em up inside, bonehead move. Use their patio instead, when possible. Tip the help decently when somewhere the workers depend on that. Maybe pitch in and clean up after yourselves too. Just think ahead a little.

Same deal even if the place is cigar friendly. Having no consideration can make the place morph to tolerant, then a NCZ.

That's all I got.
elderboy02 06:46 AM 09-06-2018
I completely agree! :-)
icehog3 08:44 AM 09-06-2018
A little consideration could go a long way. Too bad it's already a moot point in the sucky state of Illinois.
Brian D. 08:59 AM 09-06-2018
Originally Posted by icehog3:
A little consideration could go a long way. Too bad it's already a moot point in the sucky state of Illinois.
Since 2007, Ohio has been a lost battle, in the war of legal indoor cigar enjoyment. I don't want to lose Kentucky as well. Hence, my post.
hwgoesit 06:41 PM 09-06-2018
I smoke at home
kelmac07 12:02 AM 09-07-2018
We're lucky there's still a few places here in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia that allow cigar smoking within their establishments.
YankeeMan 04:51 AM 09-07-2018
If I am in any cigar friendly/tolerant place, if there is someone there who is not smoking, I always ask if it is OK for me to smoke a cigar. I know it's allowed, but I don't want to alienate anyone.

I did that one time and the guy turned around, had a cigar in his hand and with a big smile said that he didn't mind at all.
Shadow 09:01 AM 09-07-2018
Fortunately I'm 10 minutes from my local shop and cigar club.
SurfnSafari 09:51 AM 09-07-2018
We are lucky in Arizona, you can smoke most place if you are 20 FEET from a door like the entrance to a business. Most Cigar shops have smoking permitted inside.

Then you got California across the Colorado River, where in some cities the laws are so strict against smoking. You can be cited in your car driving down their street, with windows rolled up, and A/C on.

So,e cities in California you can not even spoke in your home, it you share a common wall with a neighbor.

World is koo koo IMHO.
markem 10:03 AM 09-07-2018
We have 5 cigar bars in Oregon with no more allowed by law.

However, in the Portland area, there are many bars and even restaurants that allow cigar smoking on their patios. We can still smoke in most parks. The state of Washington has been looking to relax their laws on cigar smoking as well.

Most people focus on indoor smoking when they complain. I can see that since indoor doesn't have to care about weather. However, there is a big difference between states where outdoor cigar smoking is nearly impossible and states where it is merely inconvenient.

In the winter, I mostly smoke in my garage with the doors open as they face south and I have a kerosene heater. I also live near a grade school. I don't smoke where I can be seen when school is getting out as that seems polite to me. But that's me and I am not trying to put that on others.
gomeitsmybday 12:38 PM 09-07-2018
I’m in Columbus so I’m essentially stuck in an Ohioan desert of no smoking :/
However, there IS a new(ish) cigar bar that opened across the street from a local casino...I’m a little unsure how that works legally, but I plan to stop in there soon to check it out!
dijit 03:23 PM 09-07-2018
I work at my cigar bar and am very happy Indiana is similar sort of to KY.
The camaro show 05:33 PM 11-24-2018
There isn’t any indoor smoking or lounges in my town and only a few places to buy