Hi Everyone!
It is once again time for the CS troop support auction. This auction generates funds that assist our troop support coordinators (hotreds and T.G) with the many expenses involved with supplying deployed troops with cigars, comfort items, and many other things to remind them that they are not forgotten by the folks back home who benefit from their service in so many ways.
If you would like to put some items up for the auction, please do so in the
Troop Support Auctions forum. You can also take a look at what is donated by our members to support this most worthy cause. All items are donated and all proceeds go to the troop support coordinators to help them in their mission.
If you are unable to view the thread, please be patient. Over time, more and more of CA is opened to our members. Hopefully, the next time (November at Veterans Day) you will be able to participate in this tradition.
Thank you all for your past, present, and future support of this effort.