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General Discussion>The gift that keeps on giving
markem 08:25 PM 07-09-2017
Many of you will remember this custom painted Hali from the troop auction. RyanCA did the paint job. It was purchased here to put into the SoCal auction that benefits Cheer for Children in Redondo Beach.


We asked people to toss sticks into the case to help drive up the bidding. I think that there were 40-some sticks.

Well, the maniacs at SoCal 18 did their part and raised $2500 for this one auction item! Very generous.

Special thanks to Ryan, Mark C, Cigarnut, and the many people who added sticks to benefit a great cause. Makes me proud of our board for how well it represented.

Not the top lot for the night but I think it was #2.
Attached: Hali SoCal.jpg (44.6 KB) 
massphatness 09:18 PM 07-09-2017
As they say in Cuba, For the Babies!
Posted via Mobile Device
AdamJoshua 09:22 PM 07-09-2017
The generosity and caring of the people here and those that attended SoCal is beyond over the top. I can honestly say I don't know a better and more thoughtful group of people.
Tio Gato 10:54 AM 07-10-2017
Well done to all involved!:-)
LasciviousXXX 11:07 AM 07-10-2017
Originally Posted by markem:
many of you will remember this custom painted hali from the troop auction. Ryanca did the paint job. It was purchased here to put into the socal auction that benefits cheer for children in redondo beach.


we asked people to toss sticks into the case to help drive up the bidding. I think that there were 40-some sticks.

Well, the maniacs at socal 18 did their part and raised $2500 for this one auction item! Very generous.

Special thanks to ryan, mark c, cigarnut, and the many people who added sticks to benefit a great cause. Makes me proud of our board for how well it represented.

Not the top lot for the night but i think it was #2.