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General Discussion>Chipotle fans
markem 05:13 PM 05-28-2017
Looks like Chipotle got hit bad by malware. Pretty much all credit cards used from March 24 and April 18 are at risk. More info here:
pnoon 06:31 PM 05-28-2017
Thanks Mark.
I don't eat there but my kids and their spouses do.
T.G 07:22 PM 05-28-2017
Totally not what I was expecting by the title.

Me walks away disappointed.
Sauer Grapes 12:24 AM 05-29-2017
Thanks. Checked my cards for when we ate there. We may have lucked out if their date ranges are accurate. Ate there a few days before and after the range.
icehog3 10:23 AM 05-29-2017
Had a couple buddies who were victims of identity theft after using debit cards at Chipolte. I only use cash there.