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General Discussion>A look at who was lost this year.
Gone Dave 06:16 AM 12-31-2008
When you put them together, it was a hard year for the famous, many of who are my favorites:-)
Tenor CS 06:43 AM 12-31-2008
Wow, that was really well done.

We lost a lot of good ones this year.
icehog3 11:15 AM 12-31-2008
Wow...I got goosebumps.

Charlton Heston, Paul Newman, Roy Scheider, Bo Diidley, Issac Hayes, Richard Widmark, Jim McKay, Harvey Korman, George Carlin, Dick Martin, and so many other great people from other walks of life.

They will all be missed.
Blueface 12:26 PM 12-31-2008
Amazing how many I either didn't know about or totally forgot.
Very nice clip.
Many great ones lost.