Doctorossi 02:08 PM 08-18-2016
So, I have an ancient cigar database app on my iPhone and not only is it no longer supported... the sucker don't even work right no more.

Does anyone have any recommendations for a good and current (or, at least, recent) app to take its place? I figure there's gotta be
something in the five years since I last upgraded. I'd prefer an app that allows me to edit entries to correct mistakes in pre-loaded listings, but I'll settle for one that just works.
Thanks, gang!
TXRebel 03:48 PM 08-18-2016
Doctorossi 07:20 AM 08-19-2016
TXRebel- I will!
I've been checking out Social Humidor. Does anyone have any opinions on that app?
Don Fernando 07:42 AM 08-19-2016
I tried social humidor, didn't like it.
I have and I love the website but the app isn't synched to the database so it doesn't fit my needs. They are working on that though.
Doctorossi 08:14 AM 08-19-2016
Thanks, Ferd! What did you not like about Social Humidor?
AdamJoshua 10:22 AM 08-19-2016
I'd be interested in the results as well. I did get a kick out of this line from stogierate "Cigar lovers have over 100,000 cigars safely inventoried at" I think I know individuals with that many cigars, I am wondering if they mean 100,000 different cigars and not individual cigars, if so they should probably say that
BlkDrew 04:38 PM 08-19-2016
Someone told me about cigar scanner. I downloaded it but don't use it much. It looks decent
Don Fernando 03:29 AM 08-20-2016
Originally Posted by Doctorossi:
Thanks, Ferd! What did you not like about Social Humidor?
good question, can't remember its a while ago, just know that I downloaded it, tried it and didn't like it.
rwiiames 07:53 AM 08-21-2016
Hate to mention another website, but Cigar Geeks has a decent app that I was using. Got behind, now I need to take inventory and catch it up.