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General Discussion>St. Paddy's Banner?
AdamJoshua 01:01 AM 03-18-2016
What with the green sun setting?
The Poet 08:25 AM 03-18-2016
Short explanation.
icehog3 09:54 AM 03-18-2016
Or the real explanation, Julian (mmblz) does it every St. Patrick's Day. :-)
pnoon 10:03 AM 03-18-2016
Originally Posted by The Poet:
Short explanation.
Originally Posted by icehog3:
Or the real explanation, Julian (mmblz) does it every St. Patrick's Day. :-)
Yes. Tom or I would have done it had we remembered. Much the same way we change the banner for other holidays.
AdamJoshua 10:12 AM 03-18-2016
Awesome, can't wait to see what you have for Purim!
The Poet 10:16 AM 03-18-2016
Purim? Most of us wear our funny face all year.
icehog3 01:24 PM 03-18-2016
Purim? Damn near killed 'em!