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General Discussion>Another year gone...
Steve 07:43 AM 03-04-2016
Wow, I'm not sure where the time has seems like it was only yesterday!






Happy Birthday Boo!
G G 08:25 AM 03-04-2016
The Poet 08:43 AM 03-04-2016
:-) :-)

:-) to Boo.
Dave128 09:11 AM 03-04-2016
Happy Birthday, Boo! Enjoy the hell out of it!
Remo 10:13 AM 03-04-2016
Happy birthday...making your dad an Older FOG!
icehog3 11:13 AM 03-04-2016
Boo! Happy Birthday! :-)
CigarNut 11:14 AM 03-04-2016
Happy Birthday!
SNKBYT 11:15 AM 03-04-2016
daddy's little girl is another year older and dad is getting greyer :-)
AdamJoshua 11:39 AM 03-04-2016
Parents and kids, it's like dog years, you age 7 for every one they age! Happy Birthday to your little girl!
Ogre 04:53 PM 03-04-2016
Good thing she looks like her momma!!!!!!
MarkinAZ 05:20 PM 03-04-2016
And a BIG Happy Birthday to you Boo:-)