So, saturday morning I go have breakfast then see a movie; Benjamin Buttion. I know this has nothing to with the actual event but it becomes relevent later on, so roll with it.
After that I go to the cigar shop, I am waffling as to whether I should go to the Tatuaje event at the Azucar later on. I decide to invite a friend along and offer to pay his cover into the event. He decides that he is in. So, we head down to the Azucar. I get to the Azucar and we hang out for a while. I reaqquaint myself with the owner of the Azucar. After watching the UFC fights I decide to go to the fish place and having scoped the menu I offer to pay for my friend.
Upon further inspection of the menu at the fish restaruant I find out that it's a $20 dollar a plate restaurant. We get out of there and I head back to the Azucar and my friend walks up to me and he's like "Are you going to buy a box?" and I'm like "Nah I'm short on cash" this discussion continues for a while. I find out that what he really wants is the Tatujae hat that comes with the box purchase. It turns out that my ol buddy is tapped out for the month and he says something along the lines of "I'll buy the hat from you for twenty five dollars.
So I go and see what they have left, and it's down to the RC 184 and some various other assorted smokes. I wind up buying a box of RC 184 for around 170 or so.
So my friend gets his hat, I get a hat and a patch and a cutter and a three pack of tat black and a box of RC 184, which I have personally signed along with the tat blacks and the hat by Pete Johnson.
The hat, the patch, the three pack of tat black and the cutter are all free. I wind up talking Pete into giving myself another hat and my cigar man Tim a hat, which they all have signed. I also got a pin, but somewhere along the line I lost the pin.
My inital impressions are that Pete Johnson is a humble man. Pete is also a fun guy to talk to.
So final tally:
Breakfast $10
Movie $10
Cigar (first shop) $10
Cover charge for 2 $20
Cigar (Azucar) $15
Dinner for 2 $40
Box of RC 184 $170
Final tally: 275.00
Oh, and the first words out of my mouth upon meeting him were:
"You aren't nearly as old fat or bald as I expected"
I'm kicking myself for not going to the tatuaje event a few months back at my local chain. It would have for damn sure pushed me over the edge into paying full box price...... and something tells me its more fun than when I click "confirm order". Either way, nicely done!
Originally Posted by greenwit:
I like the hats....I tried to buy one at a Tat event earlier this summer but they weren't for sale individually.
Check New Havana and Silo. They usually have a wide variety of Tat hats in stock.