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General Discussion>Bad start to the 4th....
Ashcan Bill 12:47 AM 07-03-2015
I can only echo what everyone else said - really glad you weren't hurt. We were in Utah last week and I counted 4 dead deer on the side of the road. A family of them ran across a couple hundred yards in front of me. Seems like they're all over the roads lately.
CigarNut 01:37 AM 07-03-2015
Thank God that you are all ok!
Ogre 09:00 AM 07-03-2015
Glad your OK.
E.J. 10:15 AM 07-03-2015
Youch! Tough start, but bonus that you were able to limp home! Glad you're okay and the weekend plan continues, though changed a bit. Still get to huck flies or now just to the house in the hills?
Blueface 11:53 AM 07-03-2015
Sucks but being OK takes precedence.
c2000 12:05 PM 07-03-2015
I hit a big doe approx 3 weeks ago of course I was driving my "baby" 2011 Cadillac CTS V coupe..7K worth of damage,,all cosmetic but expensive..It hit on the right front and to make matters worse **** all over the passenger door.

It seems to me that there are more deer alive and dead then in years before. I would not drive a motorcycle on any rural roads in Minnesota.

Jerry in Minnesota.
IBQTEE1 10:50 AM 07-06-2015
Glad, that you are OK.
Remo 10:54 AM 07-06-2015
Originally Posted by E.J.:
Youch! Tough start, but bonus that you were able to limp home! Glad you're okay and the weekend plan continues, though changed a bit. Still get to huck flies or now just to the house in the hills?
Got out on Sunday E.J...check the outdoorsman banter :-)
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