markem 02:48 PM 05-29-2015
pnoon 02:52 PM 05-29-2015
"0 mph to 65 mph in three seconds" ?
Holy crap!!!
markem 03:01 PM 05-29-2015
Originally Posted by pnoon:
"0 mph to 65 mph in three seconds" ?
Holy crap!!!
I know. Can you see pulling up to the stop light and revving that bad boy at the ferrari next to you?
irratebass 03:30 PM 05-29-2015
Dave128 03:32 PM 05-29-2015
CigarNut 03:48 PM 05-29-2015
Been lusting after one of these for probably 5-6 years (maybe longer) now, since I first saw the early models / prototypes. They just look like too much fun.
Been in a few movies over the years too. Fury Road, GI Joe and a few others
AdamJoshua 10:14 PM 05-29-2015
Originally Posted by markem:
I know. Can you see pulling up to the stop light and revving that bad boy at the ferrari next to you?
Then take a sharp left across his lane and flattening the front of his car! I mean, no just revving would be fine.
8zeros 10:36 PM 05-29-2015
longknocker 05:11 AM 05-30-2015
Porch Dweller 08:05 AM 05-30-2015
I grew an extra layer of chest hair just looking at the picture.
dijit 08:21 AM 05-30-2015
I feel my mid-life crisis rapidly approaching. I may need to sell a few cigars to afford it though.
Ashcan Bill 08:34 AM 05-30-2015
I can't help but fantasize about pulling up to our next local Jeep run in one of those, and telling everyone "No, I'm not airing down".