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General Discussion>Luke, Obi Wan never told you what happened to your father....
GTsetGO 09:00 PM 05-17-2015

Took Luke to the Tidewater Comicon this weekend. Had a good Daddy/Lukey date.

AdamJoshua 09:08 PM 05-17-2015
Very cool!

Hell I'm jealous.. :-)
RWhisenand 10:40 PM 05-17-2015
Cool, my 4year old son, also named Luke would love that place! Looks like he's having a great time.
jjirons69 07:57 AM 05-18-2015
That batman scares the chit out of me. At least Vader was smiling.
irratebass 10:50 AM 05-18-2015
Man that bats is awesome!!!!!
Ogre 03:06 PM 05-18-2015
GTsetGO 07:28 PM 05-18-2015
Originally Posted by jjirons69:
That batman scares the chit out of me. At least Vader was smiling.
he's actually one of my great friends. Considered the #1 darknight cosplay guy in the country.

he has helped my boy get over his fear of taking pics with costumed characters. lol
Blueface 06:03 AM 05-20-2015
Enjoy these moments as they are short lived and before you know it, 31 like mine.
CigarNut 06:04 AM 05-20-2015
Very cool!
GTsetGO 09:40 AM 05-22-2015
Originally Posted by Blueface:
Enjoy these moments as they are short lived and before you know it, 31 like mine.
no doubt. trying to figure out how he is already 3.