May God bless all of you here at CA!
I'd like to wish you all a Merry Christmas.
And wish you all a blessed 2009.
Merry Christmas to all - and Have a cool yule!
THANKS to all of our troops for making it a safe one here at home, be safe out there!
God bless us all, EVERY ONE.
Life is good. (Really, just LIFE!) Thanks, I don't need much else.
I always look forward to the future.
:-) (Is that an overly obvious statement?)
Enjoy what you have, have what you enjoy. What more can you ask for.
Thank you troops. I will always support you. If I can't stand beside you, at least I can be behind you for support. You have done a good job.
Bless your families. The future is not ours. But we can shape it.
Merry Christmas.
Happy New Year.