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General Discussion>How to deal with things you don't agree with...
AdamJoshua 06:28 PM 12-13-2014
You have to hand it to this little girl's parents for pointing her in the right direction because she was upset about an article the Huffington Post wrote stating that the name Ella, her name, was at the top of the Naughty list.

Then of course an epic reply, not just from the Post...
The Poet 06:38 PM 12-13-2014
Ella? Eve was at the top of the Naughty List.

Guess who was second, Adam? :-)
WhiteMamba 07:46 PM 12-13-2014
Originally Posted by The Poet:
Ella? Eve was at the top of the Naughty List.

Guess who was second, Adam? :-)
rr_coyote 11:18 PM 12-13-2014
Originally Posted by The Poet:
Ella? Eve was at the top of the Naughty List.

Guess who was second, Adam? :-)
HA! I see what you did there. :-)
Subvet642 11:42 PM 12-13-2014
Originally Posted by The Poet:
Ella? Eve was at the top of the Naughty List.

Guess who was second, Adam? :-)
Gee, and I thought it was Lilith.
shilala 07:08 AM 12-14-2014
I agree. Total blony.
I really need to know what a Flip is. I didn't get that part, but I'm sure she's spot-on.