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General Discussion>Harvesting Marble.
shilala 07:36 AM 10-24-2014
Just cause this video is awesome, I figured you guys would like it.
It's just a really well done 3 minute short on quarrying marble.
No droning info, just great video.
CigarNut 07:57 AM 10-24-2014
Very cool!
G G 08:14 AM 10-24-2014
stearns 08:27 AM 10-24-2014
marble huh? hmmmm :-)
AdamJoshua 11:31 AM 10-24-2014
Dude is missing some bits and pieces
Dave128 03:36 PM 10-24-2014
pektel 04:08 PM 10-24-2014
Love the video. I sell quite a bit of marble, and always hear the objection to how expensive it is compared to Formica. Some don't understand why it costs more. And I didn't know they used this approach as compared to the blasting techniques they use with granite.
shark 06:45 PM 10-24-2014
Originally Posted by pektel:
Love the video. I sell quite a bit of marble, and always hear the objection to how expensive it is compared to Formica. Some don't understand why it costs more. And I didn't know they used this approach as compared to the blasting techniques they use with granite.
My guess would be that blasting marble would destroy it as opposed to granite?
Ogre 08:07 PM 10-24-2014