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General Discussion>question about suspending internet, satellite tv
hotreds 09:54 AM 10-09-2014
OK- I am going to be away from home about six months and was wondering if I would be better off suspending these services or cancelling them and re-upping when I get back?
cigarmarine 10:03 AM 10-09-2014
Originally Posted by hotreds:
OK- I am going to be away from home about six months and was wondering if I would be better off suspending these services or cancelling them and re-upping when I get back?
dependes on how long you've had your service. if your contract is up its better to cancel so you can get the better deals when you turn it back on. if you have a good rate and are in the early part of your contract just suspend it,but make sure to ask if you will keep that rate.
hotreds 11:32 AM 10-09-2014
They are in fact up. Even tho the companies offer a discount for "suspending" seems to make more sense to cancel and then take advantage of their deals in 6 months!
cigarmarine 08:33 PM 10-09-2014
Yea brother cancel it take advantage of the new customer rate when you return
AdamJoshua 06:47 PM 10-10-2014
Always cancel, hate giving them money for nothing, plus you get the best deals when you re-up with them, or by then maybe have other options.
hammondc 07:35 PM 10-10-2014
You did not say who the provider is but for DirecTv--if you cancel, they will not let you have a new customer promo at that address for 2 years from time of service termination.
hammondc 07:36 PM 10-10-2014
Plus DTV let me suspend for 6 months when I moved. AND I got the new gear when I resumed service.
cigarmarine 07:42 PM 10-10-2014
Originally Posted by hammondc:
Plus DTV let me suspend for 6 months when I moved. AND I got the new gear when I resumed service.
wow didn't know that direct tv started that bull. good info brother
cigarmarine 07:44 PM 10-10-2014
Originally Posted by hammondc:
You did not say who the provider is but for DirecTv--if you cancel, they will not let you have a new customer promo at that address for 2 years from time of service termination.
wow didn't know that direct tv started that bull. good info brother
hotreds 08:26 PM 10-10-2014
Is Directv. But, if they don't humor me I'll simply go with someone else.
cigarmarine 09:47 PM 10-10-2014
Originally Posted by hotreds:
Is Directv. But, if they don't humor me I'll simply go with someone else.
My hero, customers always right
MarkinAZ 10:09 PM 10-10-2014
If you're at the end of your contract Hugh, I'd simply cancel them both. I sure upon your return, that you'll be able to wrangle a good deal with a new ISP in your area. And...

Once you have the internet up and running, I'd probably look in to one of the nifty "internet TV" providers, such as Hulu, GoogleChrome, Roku, etc. You'll have a little time to perform some research during your absence from home. It may be worth while to do so.

Something to thing about:-)
hotreds 10:31 PM 10-10-2014
In fact, I already have Roku on two of my TVs. The ONLY thing I watch on TV is sports, so I'm thinking of getting just basic service plus the sports channel package. I hope Time Warner won't give me too much hassle either. Bottom line, methinks, is that something is better than nothing and they'll come around and give me what I want.