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Coffee Discussion>Peaberry?
BlackDog 09:50 AM 12-23-2008
Why is peaberry coffee supposed to be so good? I bought a half pound of La Minita Peaberry (Costa Rica) from Caribou for $10, and it's good, but it's not that good. Very delicate. If it were a cigar, it would be a Macanudo.
Vitis 10:46 AM 12-23-2008
I am by far no expert in this (or coffee) in general but my understanding is that it is coffee bean in which only one seed (bean) germinates making it a rounder. I believe this can happen to many different types of coffees so I assume the flavor will be representative of the type of coffee the bean comes from. Im sure some of thecoffee connoisseur can answer this better than me, but i hope thats a start.

novasurf 02:23 PM 12-23-2008
For many years, peaberry coffee was viewed as a defect. Not anymore. It's a bean that has all of the sweetness rolled into one.

Sorry your experience was not rewarding. There are plenty of others that offer peaberries. Don't shut them out after one bad experience. The Macanudo on the other hand....well.....:-)
slimm 02:40 PM 12-23-2008
Try the Jayuya from your Uncle. I assure you you will not be disappointed. On second thought, forget what I just said, that coffee is just terrible..........(more for me) :-)
EvanS 10:34 PM 12-23-2008
In my limited experience I have noted 2 things with peaberry's....and this is a VERY broad generalization.

1) I have had several that I liked quite well, yet I don't quite get the big deal about peaberry in and of itself. It's still just a bean IMO.

2) I have never personally been very happy with a peaberry roasted short of FC, with my observations being that FC+ seems to help coax those hidden flavors out of there.
Mister Moo 07:07 AM 12-24-2008
Some peaberry beans reveal wonderful flavor; few beans from Caribou (and fewer cups of coffee served at Caribou) reveal anything more that bad taste to me. I know there are Caribou lovers out there and no offense meant to them but the local Caribou here in Raleigh serves the sorriest excuse of crap in a cup anyone could imagine.

I suggest trying some peaberry fro ma source other than Caribou. Try Unclebeanz if they have some on hand. Whole 'nuther world.