detroitpha357 03:12 PM 09-13-2014
I have two free tics to whoever wants them. Tonight game 7p. Text me 313-909-4068
:-) Hope all is well with everyone...
icehog3 05:27 PM 09-13-2014
If I leave now, can I make the opening pitch, Booker?
I just saw this post. Sorry I missed out Booker. Text me if you ever need to rid yourself of any tickets to anything.
:-) I'll PM you my cell if you don't have it. I'm watching the tail end of the game now; slightly behind realtime with my DVR of course.
The Poet 09:29 PM 09-13-2014
Too bad you guys missed this. Looks like decent seats, behind visitor dugout.
detroitpha357 02:11 PM 09-15-2014
Originally Posted by icehog3:
If I leave now, can I make the opening pitch, Booker? :-)
I'm going to kidnap you sir..
detroitpha357 02:12 PM 09-15-2014
Originally Posted by 357:
I just saw this post. Sorry I missed out Booker. Text me if you ever need to rid yourself of any tickets to anything. :-) I'll PM you my cell if you don't have it. I'm watching the tail end of the game now; slightly behind realtime with my DVR of course.
you got it..
Originally Posted by The Poet:
Too bad you guys missed this. Looks like decent seats, behind visitor dugout.
I usually have pretty good seats.. hate for them to go to waste. Rather my budds use them.
icehog3 02:35 PM 09-15-2014
I freaking guarantee I will be there next season, Booker.
GreekGodX 04:53 PM 09-18-2014
I couldn't have gone but still mad I missed this
detroitpha357 09:18 PM 09-22-2014
Originally Posted by GreekGodX:
I couldn't have gone but still mad I missed this :-)
next time bro.
Originally Posted by icehog3:
I freaking guarantee I will be there next season, Booker.
Im going to hold you to it bro.. There's always football..
icehog3 09:52 PM 09-22-2014
Originally Posted by detroitpha357:
next time bro.
Im going to hold you to it bro.. There's always football..:-)
Me thinks I'd rather drive to Motown in the summer than the winter.
detroitpha357 08:36 AM 09-27-2014
Originally Posted by icehog3:
Me thinks I'd rather drive to Motown in the summer than the winter. :-)
Lol ok.. I'll be there before years out tho. I'll let you know.. I'll be visiting my cousin Kas... Pretty cool cat.
HollywoodQue 09:43 AM 09-27-2014
Originally Posted by detroitpha357:
Lol ok.. I'll be there before years out tho. I'll let you know.. I'll be visiting my cousin Kas... Pretty cool cat.
Tom, If Booker shows up, then it will be part of a magic
icehog3 10:19 AM 09-27-2014
I hope that trick plays out, Howard, been too long since I've seen that man!
shark 01:45 PM 09-27-2014
Originally Posted by HollywoodQue:
Tom, If Booker shows up, then it will be part of a magic
Yeah, and Howard, how the heck have you been? Long time no see!
HollywoodQue 07:32 PM 09-27-2014
Originally Posted by shark:
Yeah, and Howard, how the heck have you been? Long time no see!
I know Ron...had to pay for my daughters been working a lot of OT...I would like to do a herf at the house soon....maybe Bob aka chainsaw and fissure will grace us with their presence
Originally Posted by HollywoodQue:
I know Ron...had to pay for my daughters been working a lot of OT...I would like to do a herf at the house soon....maybe Bob aka chainsaw and fissure will grace us with their presence :-)
If there is some advanced notice I should be able to attend.