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General Discussion>The Art of Science
CigarNut 09:05 AM 07-22-2014
Some pretty cool images here:
markem 10:14 AM 07-22-2014
#9 is my fave. Reminds me a bit of when I did research at Boeing using fractalscapes for generating close approximations to specific pieces of airspace to reduce the time and cost to generate scenarios for commercial airplane simulators.
stearns 10:18 AM 07-22-2014
Originally Posted by markem:
#9 is my fave. Reminds me a bit of when I did research at Boeing using fractalscapes for generating close approximations to specific pieces of airspace to reduce the time and cost to generate scenarios for commercial airplane simulators.
uhh... what he said... also because of the cool colors and design :-) :-)
CigarNut 10:20 AM 07-22-2014
I like #9 as well. When I first saw it I was reminded of the Mandelbrot set.