WaxingMoon 08:01 AM 07-10-2014
This one was a fun one to build.... I really like working with the domestics lately, they seem to work very well together....
250 Count - 19.5" x 12" x 8" with Cigar Oasis.....
Bird's Eye Maple, Walnut & Cherry......
Thanks for looking.....
badbriar 11:27 AM 07-10-2014
Ed - this one is stunning! Gorgeous wood there!
When I hit the lotto, I'll ask you if you can fit me in!
czerbe 01:02 PM 07-10-2014
Porch Dweller 04:12 PM 07-10-2014
Shaneg 11:26 PM 07-19-2014
Well, I've seen you before elsewhere online. Glad I don't have to miss seeing your cigar storage pictures. How do these not count as softcore and violate tos on here? That's one amazing looking cigar box!
jpb437 11:34 PM 07-19-2014
Beautiful as always. Great job!
Murph 09:27 PM 08-20-2014
Very Escher-esque! Beautiful!
RevSmoke 11:28 PM 08-20-2014
Nice looking humidor! Very nice work. I wish I had you wood working talents.
WhiteMamba 09:13 PM 08-21-2014
Byaah 07:11 AM 08-23-2014
That is stunning, really very nice. Kind of a MC Escher top to it?
looking for know 11:14 AM 11-27-2014
cigarmarine 11:39 AM 11-27-2014
cigarmarine 11:40 AM 11-27-2014
cigarmarine 11:41 AM 11-27-2014