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General Discussion>Happy Birthday To The Silliest Man In The Asylum
longknocker 02:48 PM 06-26-2014
Happy Birthday, MCS!:-):-):-)
jledou 03:06 PM 06-26-2014
Happy Birthday JoJimBob!
Dave128 10:21 PM 06-26-2014
Happy Birthday, Scott! Hope you had a great day!
Coach Deg 05:02 AM 06-27-2014
Hope you had a great day!!!
Brlesq 07:08 AM 06-27-2014
Hope you have a great birthday!
kelmac07 07:51 AM 06-27-2014
:-) Happy B-Day Scott!! :-)
MajorCaptSilly 03:01 PM 06-27-2014
Thanks for the birhtday wishes! I haven't been around CA much in the last year as I'm doing the whole mid-life self improvement thing. I'm down about 60lbs, marriage is much better, and I feel better than I did at 30. 50 ain't so bad!

RevSmoke 04:35 PM 06-27-2014
Belatedly - God's blessings for a wonderful birthday.
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