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Island (The other ones) Reviews>Lars Tetens Gorilla Finger
icantbejon 04:45 PM 12-20-2008
Here is the guy...

Here is the cigar...

Long ago, a promise was made to Mr. Don Fernando. He sent me this choice stick in a bomb many months ago. I promised him at that time that I wouldn't leave Iraq without smoking it. So, wanting to stay good to my word, I put this baby away as my last cigar in that country. I figured I already had a bad taste in my mouth from being there, so the dreaded Lars Gorilla Finger couldn't really cause any more harm.

The pre-light draw on this baby gave off stong smells of mildew and manure. Not the kind of mildew you might smell from a cigar that was over humidified. This cigar stayed in 70/70 for it's whole stay with me. It was just built in flavor for pure enjoyment.

The light went well, and the burn was about as consistent as you'd expect from this tasty treat.

Here I want to add a photo of me smoking this cigar so that there is some verification that I did it.

About halfway through the Lars the mildew flavor had mellowed out but the manure was still running strong. Seriously...yum!

Moving into the last third of this cigar, all flavors had disappeared leaving me with the distinct "ash" flavor that I always love in cigars.

Ever see that guy at the bar right before he vomits?

I nubbed this baby....

So thanks Don, I really enjoyed this one. :-)

In all seriousness, it was a pleasure smoking this. Not for the cigar itself, but because Don has been a great friend to me throughout my time here in CA and CS. It was an honor to smoke this because he sent me other great cigars through friendship. Thanks a great deal. :-)
hotreds 04:55 PM 12-20-2008
Nice review! I've been intrigued by these as well. Aren't they a "flavored" cigar? Don't think they'll remain high on my list to try as I'm not a big fan of "eau de merde."
Don Fernando 05:04 PM 12-20-2008
you are a brave man Jon, very brave. Thank you for this review my friend, it put a smile on my face :-)
bobarian 05:26 PM 12-20-2008
Originally Posted by Don Fernando:
you are a brave man Jon, very brave. Thank you for this review my friend, it put a smile on my face :-)
:-):-):-) Jon, I thank you for your service to this board and to your country. Willing to stand in the line of fire to the very end! :-)
Ratters 06:00 PM 12-20-2008
Thank you for your service. :thumbup And your sacrifice for this review. :-)

Is Lars Tetens still in business?
Cigary 07:16 PM 12-20-2008
Funny review but with great pics. You already are sacrificing enough to be there why add to it with a Lars?
Conch Republican 10:15 PM 12-20-2008
Awesome review - especially the last caption! I also noted that you were near the sign, so people had instructions on what to do when you passed out!! :-) :-)

Let me know when you are going to be here!!
Emjaysmash 10:20 PM 12-20-2008
You have to wear the short-shorts in the first pic as a part of the bet too??? :-)

In all seriousness though, it takes a real man to keep his word, and an even bigger man to smoke that turd!!

Thanks for the great review, pics, and service!! WE APPRECIATE IT ALL!!
Don Fernando 01:31 AM 12-21-2008
Originally Posted by Cigary:
You already are sacrificing enough to be there why add to it with a Lars?
Punishment for all the smack talking in chat :-)
Don Fernando 01:33 AM 12-21-2008
Originally Posted by icantbejon:
So thanks Don, I really enjoyed this one. :-)
want more Jon? :-) :-)
SmokeyNL 03:13 AM 12-21-2008
I have 5 of these left, and from what I read in this thread we can get rid of them to various people Don, we should start planning :-)

Thanks for the review Jon, the pictures look great :-)
Don Fernando 03:52 AM 12-21-2008
I even think we have to buy another box Simon :-)
Volt 06:34 AM 12-21-2008
Well done Jon.... A man's mans word is all he has in the end. I will say though, the Dutch are evil. At least the ones I send have fruity flavors (even if they are chemically induced), not manure. Gotta give some RG for the pics and review.
JohnnyKay5 10:02 AM 12-21-2008
High Five... Well done!! I can see the ever lasting joy in your face from that fine smoke.. muuhahaha :-)

Unfortunatly I can relate
Don Fernando 10:35 AM 12-21-2008
Originally Posted by Volt:
Well done Jon.... A man's mans word is all he has in the end. I will say though, the Dutch are evil. At least the ones I send have fruity flavors (even if they are chemically induced), not manure. Gotta give some RG for the pics and review.
Simon, I need a gorillafinger for the bomb we are building that will shut Volt's mouth. And he will review it!
gvarsity 12:01 PM 12-21-2008
That was a great review. Thanks for your serviec and travel safe.
SmokeyNL 01:28 PM 12-21-2008
Originally Posted by Don Fernando:
Simon, I need a gorillafinger for the bomb we are building that will shut Volt's mouth. And he will review it!
Done, after all, Volt thinks it can't get worse then the acid he had :-)
vudu9 05:05 PM 12-23-2008
I respect a man that can put himself in harms way for our freedom and for that particular cigar! Nice job!
kelmac07 08:32 PM 06-06-2009
One of the few that could nub this "Monkey Finger"...hats off to you brother.