Weelok 12:17 AM 01-29-2016
Originally Posted by kydsid:
Next time anyone has a cigar that looks like the op send it to me and Ill put it under a high res still capture compound microscope and we can put this debate to rest once and for all.
I like it. Time to take advantage of a little modern science. It could bring an end to my contrarian soap box moments which will be somewhat disappointing but maybe I can claim my iPhone camera takes better pictures then a high resolution microscope because Steve Jobs uses magic from beyond on Apple products?


jjirons69 08:59 AM 01-29-2016
Thanks, Other Adam and all who responded! I'm an idiot and didn't take any pictures. I was going to try to wipe one first then see how that went. It went so well (to my eye), I figured to just clean them all and let it ride. We will be burning all of these by June (got them for a golf tourney) so no long storage issues. I did find some interweb photos to show what I was dealing with:
Looked like this with a couple of white tuffs a little bigger in size.
A couple looked like this.
None of them looked like anything below in the foot area, or I would've sent them back.
I will let the vendor know so they can at least check on their stock that is still sealed (if they so desire).
AdamJoshua 09:49 AM 01-29-2016
Just as an example here is an '01 that someone lit at the S.H.I.T. herf last night, to give examples other than straight up mold, not sure what this was but I'm going with drywall dust.
I was going to go with dried etouffee.
Did it taste like shimp?
pnoon 10:07 AM 01-29-2016
Originally Posted by T.G:
I was going to go with dried etouffee.
Did it taste like shimp?
Porch Dweller 04:42 PM 01-29-2016
jjirons69 06:49 PM 01-30-2016
I sent the vendor an email warning them of my moldy finding. They appreciated the head's up.
AdamJoshua 07:28 PM 01-30-2016
That's it, they "appreciated it"?
I definitely think it's worth it to have the boxes checked before they are shipped, I really don't mind getting an open box because I know they will be in good shape.
jjirons69 06:47 AM 01-31-2016
It's funny because I can't remember the last time I got an unopened box. All three that came in the other day were still sealed. Maybe they've changed their practices, but I agree with you, Adam, I don't mind a good visual inspection prior to shipping.
Don Fernando 07:20 AM 01-31-2016
Originally Posted by pnoon:
Not true. I've seen white and green mold on cigars.
seen plenty of white mold on cigars
jjirons69 01:21 PM 02-04-2016
Checked them last night for the first time since they got the alcohol rub and they look like nothing ever happened.
I can only imagine I don't have any mold growing inside me...
Adriftpanda 03:27 PM 02-04-2016
massphatness 08:25 PM 02-04-2016
lolz @ wii
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