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Jokes>your role model
Genetic Defect 08:34 PM 12-19-2008
Wow, I can't believe this turned out so true!

This is really right on the mark....WHO IS YOUR ROLE MODEL???

Try it without looking at answers

1) Pick your favorite number between 1-9

2) Multiply by 3 then

3) Add 3, then again Multiply by 3 (I'll wait while you get the calculator....)

4) You'll get a 2 or 3 digit number....

5) Add the digits together

Now Scroll down ..............

Now with that number see who your ROLE MODEL is from the list below :

1. Hillary Clinton

2. Nelson Mandela

5. Bill Gates

6. Gandhi

7. Brad Pitt

8. Hitler

9. Perry Palm

10. Barack Obama

I know....I just have that effect on day you too can be like me.... :-) Believe it!

Ps. Stop picking different numbers. I AM YOUR IDOL, JUST DEAL WITH IT!!!!!!

CBI_2 06:29 PM 12-22-2008
:-) and back at you buddy. :-) :-)
Genetic Defect 06:31 PM 12-22-2008
Is that anyway to treat your idol? :-)
Cigary 07:40 PM 12-22-2008
wow,,,I had no idea that she would be my role model,,,the skank!!
Genetic Defect 07:42 PM 12-22-2008
:-) im neither :-)
CBI_2 08:53 PM 12-22-2008
Originally Posted by Big Vito:
Is that anyway to treat your idol? :-)
Your right. I'm so sorry. It should be more like this Image
Genetic Defect 08:58 PM 12-22-2008
Mekka-lekka hi mekka hiney ho
markem 09:01 PM 12-22-2008
Mine came up as "Hitler with Brad Pitt's abs". What that mean, what that mean?
Genetic Defect 09:04 PM 12-22-2008
you can't do simple math Mark :-)
DonWeb 09:09 PM 12-22-2008
Perry's Palm is my idol????? :-)
Genetic Defect 09:13 PM 12-22-2008
Tony, how many people get to herf with there idols? :-)
icehog3 12:29 AM 12-23-2008
Johnny Cash.
Don Fernando 04:43 AM 12-23-2008
I didn't need such a mathematical approach to know you are my hero Perry.
Genetic Defect 05:38 AM 12-23-2008
Originally Posted by Don Fernando:
I didn't need such a mathematical approach to know you are my hero Perry.
:-) thanks smartash