markem 12:39 PM 05-15-2014
Nerf is nice but I call this one
stearns 12:51 PM 05-15-2014
Originally Posted by stearns:
People tend to go a little nuts with the Nerfage :-)
I just could not imagine working in an office with other people
Dude Here 01:55 PM 05-15-2014
I love Nerf!
Back in the Army we would have full blown squad on squad battles. One day though this guy brought a modified one that he bought off eBay that shot custom made darts with ball bearings attached to the ends. Somebody caught one of those in the forehead and that was the end of that.
Subvet642 07:37 AM 05-16-2014
Steve 08:12 AM 05-16-2014
Subvet642 10:40 AM 05-16-2014
shilala 03:04 PM 05-16-2014
That website trapped me for a good 2 hours.
It's like Freakin awesome.
CdnStogie 03:31 PM 05-16-2014