mikesr1963 08:58 PM 02-01-2014
Well, do you? Do you count how many cigars you smoke in a day? Do you journal your smokes like I read someone else did? Why? My uncle always smoked these huge long green cigars when I was growing up he never wrote down anything about them. He drove a cab in DC for 30 years and he enjoyed relaxing with a cigar. I thought it was cool but the stogies stank like hell. I was enjoying a smoke while out in my shop today and thinking about my uncle and his huge cigars and it made me laugh.

The Poet 09:00 PM 02-01-2014
I don't count for $#!+. Folks have been telling me that for decades.
AdamJoshua 09:01 PM 02-01-2014
No I don't write anything down but SQUIRREL... there are many people here that do keep journals.
8zeros 09:11 PM 02-01-2014
I don't want to know, then I might start adding up the cost. I smoke maybe two a week. If I like a cigar I buy a box or two. If I smoke one that someone gave me and I like it a lot I remember it. Otherwise I just forget it. If its bad enough I may remember it too. Can't think of any I hated enough to remember right now. I guess I never thought about writing it down. Might then have to do it with wine and beer and restaurants and wimmin...
Too much work.
massphatness 09:44 PM 02-01-2014
If I were in your shoes, I'd count the memory of your uncle & his cigars as a good one and wouldn't really need to count higher.
jjirons69 09:47 PM 02-01-2014
RUNYYFan 10:14 PM 02-01-2014
I do not keep a full journal entry. I don't even do that with my craft beers or single malts. But if there is a cigar I truly enjoy, I will add a quick note to a catchall note I have on my iPhone for stuff that was really exceptional or that I found to be of very high quality. I've got everything from great restaurants to wines, craft beers, other adult beverages, stores, etc.
Porch Dweller 10:26 PM 02-01-2014
I don't keep a journal but I'm thinking about it. I smoke 1-2 cigars a day and have always been able to keep a good mental track of those I love and those I don't care to ever smoke again. But I like to try a lot of new smokes and I think that as the number of different ones I've had keeps increasing the likelihood that I'll lose track of some gems also increases.
icehog3 01:15 AM 02-02-2014
Originally Posted by AdamJoshua:
No I don't write anything down but SQUIRREL... there are many people here that do keep journals.
Adam's been drinking agian.
Or was it his SQUIRREL?
mikesr1963 08:45 AM 02-02-2014
Originally Posted by jjirons69:
I had one today.
This is me too.
Heavy_d 09:38 AM 02-02-2014
I don't really keep count, but I do journal new cigars I've never tried before. I'm still new to cigars and trying all the different ones I can, and the old memory ain't really what it used to be, so I don't want to forget about the really good (or really crappy) ones I've smoked. Now if I have multiples of that stick, they only get one entry, usually the last of them I smoke.
kelmac07 09:52 AM 02-02-2014
I keep an Access database on all the sticks I smoke...with notes, and if I'd smoke 'em again or not.