equetefue 10:12 AM 01-19-2014
So I knew it would happen sooner or later. I cranked up the amount of exercise in the last two weeks and stress fractured my ankle.
I can still walk although I got some discomfort, but cant rotate or twist the ankle at all. Not too badly swollen.
I guess no more Insanity and Jogging for me for a few weeks. What am I going to do for exercise now. This sucks
What a last couple of days. First my car gets hit at my works parking lot and now this. Can't wait for my cruise... 62 days and counting
Originally Posted by equetefue:
So I knew it would happen sooner or later. I cranked up the amount of exercise in the last two weeks and stress fractured my ankle.
I can still walk although I got some discomfort, but cant rotate or twist the ankle at all. Not too badly swollen.
I guess no more Insanity and Jogging for me for a few weeks. What am I going to do for exercise now. This sucks
What a last couple of days. First my car gets hit at my works parking lot and now this. Can't wait for my cruise... 62 days and counting
Sucks Edwin, just let it heal so it doesn't continue to cause problems. An you have a cruise to look forward too.. Because what could go wrong on a cruise


cjhalbrooks 06:32 PM 01-19-2014
That sucks brother. I hope you heal quick.
bruceolee 06:44 PM 01-19-2014
Take it easy brother. Stress fx's and how they heal are kind of like taking antibiotics. The doc tells you to take all of them but as you feel better you stop and then the infection returns but worse so let your body heal completely before you even think about testing it again otherwise you'll be in for a much worse fracture amongst other damage you'd end up doing to yourself. Take your anti-inflammatory meds (don't over do that either), elevate and ice as much as possible, and as i said before don't over do it and you'll be back in no time. You know your body better than anyone so when it hurts it's trying to tell you to back off a bit. Up your calcium, Vitamin C & E, and protein intake too.
Just some helpful advice from the guy who's spent 13+ years working in physical therapy.
equetefue 06:58 PM 01-19-2014
Thanks for the advise Jason. I plan on following it
kelmac07 06:59 PM 01-19-2014
Sorry to hear Edwin. Hoping for a speedy recovery.
equetefue 06:45 AM 01-20-2014
Bought a nice ankle brace and hoping it will help speed the recovery.