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General Discussion>The Poet gets four Rings
G G 09:52 AM 12-24-2013
Congrats Thomas on getting four smoke rings. I know cause I bumped you to it bro.:-)
Remo 10:07 AM 12-24-2013
Col. Kurtz 11:41 AM 12-24-2013

shilala 12:18 PM 12-24-2013
Well done, Thomas!!! :-)
Ogre 12:19 PM 12-24-2013
Did you bump all his rep GG??? Congrats brother.
EricF 12:48 PM 12-24-2013
Congrats!!! :-)
The Poet 02:16 PM 12-24-2013
What? I demand a recount!

Seriously, I do not know what I have done to deserve even one ring, much less a fourth. To quote my buddy Jerry:

Originally Posted by Col. Kurtz:

Thanks, one and all. And who knows? If I don't get "ducked" off this forum completely, I might even hit five rings in a few decades.

I plan to surpass Mac about the year 2317. :-)
MrClean 02:33 PM 12-24-2013
Congrats Thomas! :-)
kelmac07 06:34 PM 12-24-2013
Congrats Thomas!! :-) :-)
The Poet 08:05 PM 12-24-2013
Originally Posted by kelmac07:
Congrats Thomas!! :-) :-)
Look out, Mac! I'm gunnin' for ya! :-)