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Jokes>Expensive Fishing Trip
Steve 10:49 AM 10-24-2013
Two airheads go on a fishing vacation. They buy fancy equipment, rent a great cabin, bring enough food to feed a battalion, and start fishing. They fish all week. They catch exactly ONE fish. Depressed, they go home with their paltry catch.

Airhead one: "Do you realize this one lousy fish cost us 1500 dollars??"

Airhead two: "Wow. Good thing we didn't catch more."
Blueface 11:29 AM 10-24-2013
AdamJoshua 11:36 AM 10-24-2013
big_jaygee 11:43 AM 10-24-2013
:-) :-) :-)
CigarNut 12:40 PM 10-24-2013
:-) :-)