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All Cigar Discussion>60/65/70?
4theLoveofCedar 05:16 PM 10-21-2013
For humidity beads, I started with 70% RH, then switched to 65, and last week switched to 60. Still waiting to see how I like the 60. Just curious if anyone else has tried multiple different levels and, if so, what level you like best and why?
Brlesq 07:20 PM 10-21-2013
65% for me, but my humidity up here in the Northeast drops in the winter causing my humis stay around 60% and the cigars do just fine.
Stevez 07:38 PM 10-21-2013
Started with 70% and moved to 65% and see no reason to try the lower one (just my opinion).
Malakai 08:34 PM 10-21-2013
Started at 70% way back when. Moved to 65% and I too don't see myself changing it.
AdamJoshua 08:36 PM 10-21-2013
Used to be around 70 when I first started out, after a bit of reading here, herfing with people and talking to them (liking the way their sticks smoked) I'm at around 62.
big_jaygee 08:37 PM 10-21-2013
i started at 70% for a couple of months but down here in Houston it was still too high in my humidor then i bought the 65% HCM beads and put those in my wineador and things have been great ever since
CigarNut 08:47 PM 10-21-2013
Not trying to turn this into a pitch, but to me this is the one of the best things about HCM beads -- you can set (and re-set) them to any RH that you desire in a very short time.
jjirons69 09:01 PM 10-21-2013
65 beads - my meter stays at 63 and that's just right for me.
Porch Dweller 07:30 AM 10-22-2013
Started at 70, moved to 65. IMNSHO they just seem to burn a little better at 65.
czerbe 08:06 AM 10-22-2013
Originally Posted by Porch Dweller:
Started at 70, moved to 65. IMNSHO they just seem to burn a little better at 65.
badbriar 09:50 PM 10-22-2013
65% here in FL, but the humidity climbs that to around 67-68 in the summer. I can live with that.
Veatorious 10:22 PM 10-23-2013
I am still new, and attempting to get a consistent burn. I started with a pelican case humidor with about 20 sticks at 70/72%. I didn't like the results. As of today in my coolidor I am around 68% and looking forward to trying a couple sticks to see if I need to drop down further.
Mr. Grimes 06:05 PM 10-29-2013
I'm at about 67 percent. Sometimes higher. My sticks do well there as far as even burns.
mahtofire14 06:08 PM 10-29-2013
I keep mine at 65%. However the humidity levels of your location can have an impact as well.