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All Cigar Discussion>Smoke Cave!
357 10:25 AM 10-09-2013
Even a closed garage wouldn't work for the winter months here. Fortunately I have a heated sunroom (three season room with heat ducts) that also has an exhaust fan. It's not sealed well or insulated well but the heat ducts and the space heater I have make it doable. My wife bought me an HDTV for it last fall. So, I can watch sports in comfort while having a cigar. It's great.
andysc83 02:41 PM 10-09-2013
Very cool. We are looking to buy our first house next year and I can't wait to do something like this!
Dave128 02:45 PM 10-09-2013
Very cool setup. Enjoy.

Also, this:

Originally Posted by bresdogsr:
Nice. I'm "allowed" to have a cigar in the garage if its too cold out, only with the door open so I freeze anyway.

STEVE S 03:37 PM 10-09-2013
Very nice set up, how enjoy it.
Ncpsycho 06:59 PM 10-09-2013
Cool congrats
Big Maduro 07:21 PM 10-09-2013
Very nice. My garage is my go to place in winter.........but it's nothing like that. Good job.:-)
kelmac07 07:33 PM 10-09-2013
Looking good Brandon. :-) :-)
Sweet_Leaf_PDX 07:47 PM 10-09-2013
Looks great!
Dude Here 11:37 AM 10-20-2013
Very nice. Wish I could do something like that to my car hole. I'm banished to our small slab of a patio.
CigarInspector 11:38 AM 10-21-2013
You definitely found a keeper. Your garage smoke cave looks great. My wife kicked me to the attic with instructions I could turn it into a smoke room if I put in the right ventilation. She thought it made the most sense for me to go high, since smoke rises.

I added a couple ceiling exhaust fans to the room, strung an extra cable line upstairs, and am just starting the decorating phase. I have even had a few great cigars upstairs and received the seal of approval from the wife that she never smelled a thing. Now I just need to figure out how to steal the 42" TV from the family room and move it up there.

I am a little concerned about storing my cigars up in the attic. I may need to get a better humidor. Are you storing your cigars in your garage smoke cave?
MUNKY 02:36 PM 10-21-2013
storing in the house in the vino, garage gets way to hot here in texas during the warmer months.
Veatorious 10:26 PM 10-23-2013
Nice job.
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