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All Cigar Discussion>Taboo Cigars?
BlackDog 06:16 PM 08-18-2013
Whatever happened to Taboo Cigars? They used to be active here, and I liked their lineup of private label cigars. I'm smoking a Taboo maduro perfecto right now. Did they not make it? I've lost any contact info I had for them. Anyone know what happened? Or did they simply stop posting here?
BeerAdvocate 06:23 PM 08-18-2013
I remember the Taboo twist being a very good cigar.
CigarNut 06:36 PM 08-18-2013
They converted their retail store into a bar and lounge. They still make some of their cigars, but I do not have any recent experience with them.

You can get some more info here:
BlackDog 07:07 PM 08-18-2013
Sweet. Good luck to them.

It would be nice to have a cigar bar here in the People's Repubic of MN. :-)