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General Discussion>Which online video game rental site?
MajorCaptSilly 05:35 PM 12-13-2008
I want to get my son a subscription to one of the online game rental sites and was looking for feedback. I'm leaning towards GameFly because I can pay for a year in advance and get 20% off. Any suggestions?


elderboy02 05:48 PM 12-13-2008
I don't use a game rental site, but my friends love GameFly.
Mugen910 06:32 PM 12-13-2008
how about blockbuster? they usually also give a free in store rental I think too. Plus if your have a PS3 you can get Bluray Movies too. Usually they have deals online to free trials...or even of all if you pay for a small subscription you can threaten to cancel and prob get a discount. :-)