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All Cigar Discussion>Mi Dominicana Lancero
Sadden 01:56 AM 07-27-2013
Anyone try these?
The two or three indie reviews I've found seems like its got a flavor profile I will really like. But interested to hear from some more people. Just ordered 6 boxes from AC

Some Padron , Oliva (V Lanceros yay!) and some of these.
Robulous78 02:08 AM 07-27-2013
Originally Posted by Sadden:
Anyone try these?
The two or three indie reviews I've found seems like its got a flavor profile I will really like. But interested to hear from some more people. Just ordered 6 boxes from AC

Some Padron , Oliva (V Lanceros :-) yay!) and some of these.

:-) :-) :-)

Someone may have a problem... :-)
Sadden 11:58 AM 07-27-2013
Still got an aristocrat to fill man!