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Jokes>WOW! Millions just keep falling out of the sky!
cmitch 12:36 PM 07-09-2013
Got this one in today. I'm so excited:

To. Beneficiary.
Attention Beneficiary

I am Special Agent David Jackson and am here in Nigeria as an FBI delegate that has been delegated to investigate this fraudsters who are in the business of swindling Foreigners that came for transaction in Nigeria. Please be informed that during my investigation I got to find out that there is a huge sum of $10.285Million that has been assigned in your name(Beneficiary.) and this fraudsters are busy swindling you without any hope of receiving your fund. NOTE: You are not suppose to pay that hug amount from the beginning before the release of your fund can commence depending on how you want the transfer made to you. We have to inform you that we have made some arrested in respect of this delayed over due fund. I have a very limited time to stay in Nigeria here so I advise you urgently respond to this message . I shall expect your response as soon as you receive this email. Please Note that I have attached my Identification to this not inform any of the people that collected money from you before now about this new development, to avoid jeopardizing our investigation. My direct phone number +234 808 771-9065 (
Best Regard,
CamoFlogged 12:43 PM 07-09-2013
You are truly blessed and sounds legit.
SvilleKid 01:06 PM 07-09-2013
Clayton, I am blessed to know of you and fund that belong for you. I was enjoy smoking cigar with fund friend at time of receipt. Contact will be secret from others making this offer in the past!
stearns 01:18 PM 07-09-2013
he points out that there are other nigerian scammers out there, that's call credibility. I say got for it, after all, we all know that the FBI ditched government email addresses and just started putting their position in the name of a databull account :-)
cjhalbrooks 01:28 PM 07-09-2013
Sad thing is that someone will respond to this.
bstarrs 01:29 PM 07-09-2013
I would toy with him a little and get his hopes up. Another big scam going on right now are guys calling from India saying they are Microsoft Tech Support and that they are calling to inform you that your computer has trojan viruses or malicious files. Then they ask you to go to their website and run a cleaning program which actually gives them control of your computer and they have free reign to copy whatever sensitive information you have on your hard drive.

Check it out on youtube, it's ridiculous and I feel bad for the people that fall for it.
big_jaygee 01:55 PM 07-09-2013
Clayton buddy old pal... :-) :-)
CigarNut 02:11 PM 07-09-2013
Don't spend it all at once or all in one place :-)
jledou 02:14 PM 07-09-2013
I know someone that is going to be swimming up to his eyeballs in them there fancy glass top boxes!
shark 12:28 PM 07-12-2013
Some people love to have fun with these scammers:

(it's a kinda long read, but there are others on the website in the link)
AdamJoshua 12:37 PM 07-12-2013
I got this too, I have a friend that's a local agent, I just forwarded this to him and asked him if he could help me get the money faster. :-)

He told me not to pay the "hug" amount, that they were probably just trying to cop a feel. :-) :-)
cmitch 09:58 PM 07-12-2013
Originally Posted by shark:
Some people love to have fun with these scammers:

(it's a kinda long read, but there are others on the website in the link)
That's pretty funny. He got them to pose in underwear and then shave off all their body hair. Hilarious!:-)
MrClean 10:18 PM 07-12-2013
Clayton, we expect a huge party with free cigars. That 'FBI agent' has very good grammar skills. I think maybe he is related to Yoda.
blugill 10:44 PM 07-12-2013
Any time Nigeria and Millions is mentioned, it's legit bro!