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General Discussion>Life gets Complicated so Quickly
Ciro 02:41 PM 05-23-2013
Life is amazing! You never realize how quickly things can turn. Had a few screw balls thrown at me in succession and sent me for a spin. Things are slowly getting back to some normalcy, if that's even possible. So I’m looking forward to getting involved in the shenanigans I enjoy about CA!!
jjirons69 02:53 PM 05-23-2013
big_jaygee 02:54 PM 05-23-2013
keep your head up and keep looking forward brother!

welcome back Ciro
cjhalbrooks 03:00 PM 05-23-2013
I am glad things are heading back to the wanted speed. Hang in there. As a wise man said. "the worse thing is not being prepared for a change. The best thing is the growth you go through after that change."

it was me
Dave128 03:18 PM 05-23-2013
Hang in there, Brother!
shark 04:13 PM 05-23-2013
Change is often times good, although it may not seem like it at the time. Keep your eye on the ball so to speak, and keep on going! :-)
kelmac07 07:44 PM 05-23-2013
Hang in there brother. :-)
maninblack 07:47 PM 05-23-2013
Keep your head up brother. Glad things are turning around for you.
hotreds 07:55 PM 05-23-2013
Illegitimi non carborundum!
jonumberone 06:00 AM 05-24-2013
Glad to hear things are getting back to normal for you.
Also, glad to see you're coming to my herf, but we really shouldn't wait that long to get together and smoke again. :-)