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General Discussion>Alarm system recommendations?
Mark C 03:07 PM 05-08-2013
I'm interested in getting a relatively simple, monitored alarm. Doors, windows, fire, the usual. No need for cameras or anything too fancy (though I like the option of adding future home automation). Since the house is fully built, I think wireless options are best.

There seem to be a ridiculous number of vendors on the market for both components, monitoring companies, and installers. Anybody have opinions, good or bad for national companies, or local in SE PA?
kelmac07 03:12 PM 05-08-2013
Shoot a PM to Bo (Virginia_Ghost). He's working for an alarm company and should be able to give you a no frills answer.
Blueface 05:28 PM 05-08-2013
Just one thing to point out, if you go with monitoring, make sure you have cell back up. Most folks don't consider that their phone line can be easily compromised and then no alarm monitoring anymore.

Also, for peanuts more, add fire detection.

I use ADT and am happy to date. I have cameras but not on ADT.
Stevez 08:18 PM 05-08-2013
I too use ADT and have had it for about a year and so far, very happy with it. Really helps my wife feel safe when I travel. I added the fire alarm too as it was cheap and well worth the extra to me. Good luck. Steve