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Accessory Discussion / Reviews>Input on Humidification System for New Tower
Firemedic 11:55 AM 05-07-2013
Hello, this is my first official positing besides my introduction...My wife and I had just purchased a 3500+ cigar tower for what we hope to be the start of a great hobby. I should arrive here in the next week. I know the topics of humidification systems has probably been beaten like a dead horse, but going to ask one more time for the sake of having it beat into my head. Our tower is the Heritage Collection Olde English Cigar Tower. Now, the place that I purchased it from recommends a Hydra LG, I haven't been reading many positive things on that unit. If my math is correct, the cabinet should be in the ballpark of 18cuft. Any other input on humidifiers, as well as use of crystals etc.? I think a budget of maybe $300 can be in order, but I'll wait to hear pros and cons before I totally decide on that!
Chainsaw13 12:09 PM 05-07-2013
Hello there. I have a similar sized cabinet as you. I run both HCM beads (3lbs) plus the Hydra LG clone humidifier in my mine. I only use the humidifier during the winter months when the furnace is being run, as it dries out the house. I just took it out of the cabinet two nights ago as my humidty level was starting to rise. During the summer months, the beads alone will keep it at a perfect 64-66%. I'd have to look at prices again, but you should be able to get all of that for under your $300.
Chainsaw13 12:11 PM 05-07-2013
Here's teh humidifcation device I run.

I replaced the green foam in it with the beads from the craft store that hold water.
equetefue 01:10 PM 05-07-2013
Great advise from Bob. I had the same question two weeks ago and decided to spend a tad more and got a really superb piece of equipment from Bob Staebell over at Aristocrat Humidors.

BTW I decided to go with the system due to two other "chinese made" humidifiers died on me fairly quickly and I figure that if I have a large collection it would only make sense to invest on a quality humidifier system.

Thread is here

Set and Forget humidifier system

Hope this helps

Sadden 12:13 AM 05-08-2013
Yep. Bobs set and forget is second to none. And his customer service is alos second to none.
Firemedic 03:26 PM 05-10-2013
Well, on several guys advise, I pulled the pin and went with Bob! He got me set up with everything I need, and at a great price to boot!
equetefue 05:21 PM 05-10-2013
Excellent choice. You will love it
Sadden 09:06 PM 05-10-2013
Make sure you stick around and post some pics of your humi and all that :-)
Firemedic 06:57 PM 05-11-2013
Oh, I will.....New Humidor arrives Monday, pictures will follow with the arrival! Humidifier should arrive by Wednesday. Tomorrow, cigar shopping spree....gotta stock the tower up! I'll have to buy my wife something nice for Mothers Day, then she can't complain!:-)
equetefue 07:04 PM 05-11-2013
Smart man! Very wise decisions on your part