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All Cigar Discussion>cigar swelling?
cben 09:54 PM 05-06-2013
Tonight as I was lighting my cigar I noticed the foot starting to swell or mushroom a little for about the first inch. The draw was a little tight but still smokeable. I have never seen that before, Has anyone had this happen to them and what do you think causes it?

Zane 09:56 PM 05-06-2013
Usually a huge change in temp/humidity.
czerbe 08:58 AM 05-07-2013
CoffeeWaterBeer 09:03 AM 05-07-2013
Had that issue a few weeks back and it was suggested on here to "dry-box" what you know you will smoke for a few days. It's worked for me during the season change :-)
neoflex 01:12 PM 05-07-2013
Sounds to me like it may have been a little over humidified. As mentioned dry boxing may be teh ticket on sticks that feel a little spongy.
cben 08:27 PM 05-07-2013
Thanks guys. With the crazy weather we have had the last couple of weeks I can see where that might happen. The one week I had 1/4 inch of ice and 6" of snow + no power for 4 days, The next week it's 70 degrees.

dwoodward 08:37 PM 05-07-2013
Originally Posted by cben:
Thanks guys. With the crazy weather we have had the last couple of weeks I can see where that might happen. The one week I had 1/4 inch of ice and 6" of snow + no power for 4 days, The next week it's 70 degrees.

Nice to see another South Dakota native on the boards. Sioux Falls here. And yes, the weather has been insane the last month...

Last week it was 75 here, and 2 days later 25 with 6 inches of snow, and 55 the next day lol.
AdamJoshua 08:44 PM 05-07-2013
That weather is nuts, reminds me of some springs in boston, beautiful 'indian summer' one day and snow and sleet for the next week.

I'll 4th or 5th or whatever the dry boxing, I never had too many problems but have found that if I keep a nice selection in a dry box, things i will be smoking next and over the next week or so, that they just smoke that much better. Plus if you have a nice little humi is cool to have it stocked and out in view for the aesthetics. :-)

Good luck with your smokes! :-)