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Jokes>what is par?
Genetic Defect 08:39 PM 03-25-2013
Bride and groom are getting ready to consummate their marriage when the bride says "i have a confession to make, i'm not a virgin." The groom says "that's no problem at this time and age"
The bride replies " only with one man."
"Who is the man?" asks the groom.
" Tiger Woods" says the bride.
"Well Tiger is a great golfer and rich man, i can understand that" replies the groom.
Immediately they fall into bed and make mad passionate love.
When they, finish the groom gets up and the bride asks "where are you going?"
"To order some room service" says the groom.
"Tiger would make love again" says the bride.
The groom gets back in bed and makes love to his new wife the second time. He gets up and the bride asks "Where are you going?"
"To order some room service." he answers.
"Tiger would make love again" she says.
The groom gets back to bed reluctantly and makes loves to her and is really beat afterwards. He gets up slowly and she asks him "where are you going?"
"To call Tiger and ask him what par is on this hole."
big_jaygee 08:41 PM 03-25-2013
:-) :-) :-) that damn Tiger
CigarNut 10:14 PM 03-25-2013
:-) :-)