ysr_racer 12:07 AM 03-08-2013
Jury Duty, the final verdict...
I just spent the last three and a half weeks on a gut wrenching jury. As a responsible gun owner, this case was very important to me.
On one hand I wanted to make sure that criminals that use guns illegally are punished. On the other hand I wanted to make sure that if the Defendant used a gun to legally protect himself, he didn't get punished.
Here's the setup:
The Defendant is a crack head, minus 1, but he has a Jewish lawyer, back up to 0. The Prosecuting Attorney was an annoying woman (and I'm a misogynist) minus 1, but she had big cans, back up to 0.
No advantage given, none taken. This case would be decided by the facts, and the facts alone.
We (the Jury) sat thru two weeks of testimony from cops, robbers, and crack heads. Some of the criminals showed up to court in prison jumpsuits, hands handcuffed to their sides, legs shackled, covered with tattoos and scars. Some of them were admitted killers.
When my wife asked me if I was scared, I said "Hell yes, these are scary people". When she said, "What about the women", I replied, "Those are the women".
While most of my friends get up in the morning and go to work, these guys get up at the crack of 11:00am, smoke meth, smoke weed, then spend the rest of the day figuring out who they can rob or what they can steal, to get more meth and weed.
When we got into the Jury Room after all the testimony was heard, we were 10 to 2 in favor of Murder 1.
After some discussion it was apparent that one woman was a left-wing, liberal, piece of ****. She couldn't tell us why she didn't want to vote for Murder 1, all she could tell us was "she had feeling". After all 11 of us repeatedly asked her "what evidence pointed to anything other than Murder 1", all she could tell us was "I have a feeling".
We finally had to tell the Judge we were deadlocked on Murder 1, and the DA took it off the table.
I was pissed, so pissed I was shaking. After being held hostage by this woman for two days we begrudgingly voted for Murder 2, but not until I told her that she was the problem with America, not the Defendant.
The final dagger in my heart came when one of the cops told me after the trial that the guy that was the "lookout" got Murder 1 (in a different trial), but we just gave "the shooter" Murder 2.
I know some of my liberal friends think that if President Osama had just raised our taxes a little more, or if the government had just given away more free ****, this kid would have been farting rainbows and selling Girl Scout cookies. But in the end when he pulled the trigger (twice), he washed his hands and sealed his fate.
To quote Judge Smails from Caddyshack, "I've sentenced boys younger than you to the gas chamber. Didn't want to do it. I felt I owed it to them".
icehog3 12:22 AM 03-08-2013
You were probably safe until the "President Osama" comment. We do not allow politics on Cigar Asylum, period. All long time members should know that.