Robulous78 05:38 PM 02-27-2013
So At my work we have been having people... various people... call the front desk and ask to be transferred to a room... Well my co-workers and I used to go right ahead and connect the call... till 3 days ago apparently a guest answered the phone and was told it was a member of Wyndham corporate, and that they needed their credit card number at the front desk... this woman actually gave her CC# to the guy on the phone that did not even know her name... !!!!
So we are now requiring all callers to identify the person they are trying to reach by name... not something hard to do... but apparently hard to remember as 2 of my co-workers unthinkingly sent calls up today... and 2 more people gave their CC#'s!!!!!!
So working on it as we are... I kinda feel like these people should know better... opinions?
and for everyone this goes as a general warning.... NEVER GIVE CC info over the phone to anyone that has called you... you call them... different story perhaps... but never to someone that calls for you...
pnoon 05:45 PM 02-27-2013
Originally Posted by Robulous78:
So At my work we have been having people... various people... call the front desk and ask to be transferred to a room... Well my co-workers and I used to go right ahead and connect the call... till 3 days ago apparently a guest answered the phone and was told it was a member of Wyndham corporate, and that they needed their credit card number at the front desk... this woman actually gave her CC# to the guy on the phone that did not even know her name... !!!!
So we are now requiring all callers to identify the person they are trying to reach by name... not something hard to do... but apparently hard to remember as 2 of my co-workers unthinkingly sent calls up today... and 2 more people gave their CC#'s!!!!!!
So working on it as we are... I kinda feel like these people should know better... opinions?
and for everyone this goes as a general warning.... NEVER GIVE CC info over the phone to anyone that has called you... you call them... different story perhaps... but never to someone that calls for you...
As should your employees. Especially after the first scam.
Robulous78 05:58 PM 02-27-2013
Originally Posted by pnoon:
As should your employees. Especially after the first scam.
Agreed most certainly... but what I am asking is would you really give that info to anyone at their request?
emopunker2004 06:07 PM 02-27-2013
I would not but there are a lot of naive people out there.
hotreds 06:53 PM 02-27-2013
irratebass 07:34 PM 02-27-2013
Originally Posted by emopunker2004:
I would not but there are a lot of naive people out there.
GodOfFire 07:47 PM 02-27-2013
Obviously this isn't wise of anyone however, its probably not the end of the world. Credit cards are especially safe for consumers with all of their consumer protections out there. I market highend products on the phone all the time. New people often as me what do I do if someone is afraid of being scammed over the phone. Now this is ironic because I get asked this often by new people in my line of work cause they want to know how to address it if it comes up. However, I have literally in 9 years never had a customer express this concern and only about 25% pay with a Credit Card most pay with a Cashier's Check in the mail.
However, whenever I'm asked this question by a new person I give the same exact answer. Tell them to pay with a Credit Card because they have consumer protection with their Credit Card. I know this from experience, traveling often and doing business onlline I have had fraud charges probably 4 times. Its always a piece of cake with my CC. It was a hassle once on my Debit card but my CC companies it's no big deal.
Robulous78 07:50 PM 02-27-2013
Yea I know it should be no big deal... I just wonder who is naive enough it today's society to freely give that info out...
I mean obviously we have to stop the calls from getting there in the first place... but the idea of someone ringing in and asking me for my CC# would set off all kinds of alarms in my mind... just surprised it doesn't in others...
BHalbrooks 07:51 PM 02-27-2013
If I was at a Hotel and someone called and asked for my CC number, I'd go to the desk and figure out what was going on.... That's pretty ridiculous. I'm not very trusting though.
icehog3 08:01 PM 02-27-2013
We get many of these every week. E-mail scams. Phone scams. In person "gypsy" scams. Many of the elderly get duped. Many who are not as worldly get duped too. To say that "everyone should just know better" isn't vaild, because obviously many do not.
massphatness 08:09 PM 02-27-2013
I always thought you needed the name of the guest to be transferred to a specific room. I'm surprised one can simply up and ask for room 512 & be transferred without knowing to whom the room is registered.
bobarian 08:14 PM 02-27-2013
Originally Posted by massphatness:
I always thought you needed the name of the guest to be transferred to a specific room. I'm surprised one can simply up and ask for room 512 & be transferred without knowing to whom the room is registered.
:-) Seems to me that the hotel has some responsibility to their guests. Obviously, there is no actual liability as the CC company provides protection, but to just put a call through to any room without a name being requested leaves some room for doubt. What if was a legitimate call and the guest changed rooms?
Robulous78 08:18 PM 02-27-2013
We would kill the key cards till someone came by the desk if no CC# was on file or payment wasn't good...
Bondo 287 09:08 PM 02-27-2013
Originally Posted by Robulous78:
Yea I know it should be no big deal... I just wonder who is naive enough it today's society to freely give that info out...
You could have a sign on each phone in each room saying........
"The management will not call your room asking for Credit Card, or other personal info. All billing inquiries are handled at the front desk"
and people would still pick the phone up when it rings and if asked, begin to recite Credit Card and other personal info.
Robulous78 09:09 PM 02-27-2013
Originally Posted by Bondo 287:
You could have a sign on each phone in each room saying........
"The management will not call your room asking for Credit Card, or other personal info. All billing inquiries are handled at the front desk"
and people would still pick the phone up when it rings and begin to chant Credit Card and other personal info.:-)
Probably Right....
Bondo 287 09:18 PM 02-27-2013
You're probably busy enough keeping the place secure for your guests. Now you have to do so "electronically" as well.
Better get that 'held harmless' waiver on the sign in sheet.
Robulous78 09:22 PM 02-27-2013
Glad to say that is an issue for someone higher up then me... I am just tired of others making a mistake then I get to handle the flipped out grand-parents that just gave their info over the phone...
CC's have been around for a while now... I'm surprised they haven't had other problems before if they are that trusting with their info...
Bondo 287 09:28 PM 02-27-2013
In the good old days they'd just keep the "carbons" off the swipe machines.
jdakine 12:55 AM 02-28-2013
This is not a new scam and has been around for years. Most resorts required the caller to verify the name of the registered guest, having worked for a major resort and still networking with Resort Security Directors, I find it strange your company didn't have these safe guards in place. Not full proof by any means, but will in most case block the call from being connected.