Cigar Asylum Cigar Forum Mobile
Discussion>Pipe pouch
jjefrey 11:49 AM 02-23-2013
I'm looking for a recommendation for a single pipe pouch.
Should be able to handle 1 bent, accessories and a couple oz of tobacco.

I was looking at the Peterson single pipe pouch, does anyone have any feedback on this pouch. I'm also open to suggestions on other pouches. This will be for daily use, so hoping to keep this as compact as possible.

hazydat620 02:58 PM 02-25-2013
Hey Jeff, whats your price range? these are pretty nice and are made by a member @ another forum.
jjefrey 05:12 PM 02-25-2013
Thanks for the link, there are some nice looking pouches there.

However, I'm looking for something a bit less expensive. I work for a construction company and whatever I take will get some abuse, I would hate to ruin one of those fine pouches.
hazydat620 05:38 PM 02-25-2013
it looks like has a pretty large selection of pouches under 50.00. I have a cheapie that I never use, you more than welcome to it. holds a pipe, your tool, some cleaners on the bottom and baccy up top. has the mail arrived?
jjefrey 05:44 PM 02-25-2013
Thanks Chad.

Got shipping confirmation from P&C today. Looks like I will receive on Wednesday. I will get it shipped out to you Thursday.