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General Discussion>Best SB commercial?
dave 11:26 AM 02-04-2013
Best SB commercial?

Kinda like asking "Best Gurkha?"

Y.... A.... W.... N
Woody 12:12 PM 02-04-2013
1. Farmer.....not a Dodge fan but have great respect for the American Farmer and Paul Harvey
2. Taco Bell.....I can only hope
3. Clydesdale.....beautiful majestic animals
4. Leon Sancastle.....anything would help the Cheifs at this point.
elderboy02 12:17 PM 02-04-2013
I like the Audi Prom Queen one where the dude gets a black eye :-)
AdamJoshua 06:18 PM 02-05-2013
"......and that's how I met your mother."

Jack in the Box was clear winner.
Robulous78 06:21 PM 02-05-2013
The Speedstick "I folded your panties" commercial was pretty funny
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