I am a cigar smoker but recently while helping to clean out an old cabin that we own I found a good deal of old pipes. I have sold some of the ones that I am familiar with like the dunhills and a couple of the WDC but still have a few left that I cannot find much information on other than the brand. I am going to keep the ones with our family name on them and hope to sell the rest of them.
This has inspired me to start experimenting with tobacco a little bit. I have bought a meerschaum pipe and am in the learning process of packing and smoking it. I have tried a couple different types of tobacco and so far I find it very enjoyable. here are a few pics of the pipes that I have. I believe they are mostly from the 40's to the 70's. any more info on them would be awesome
first pic
right column from top to bottom
1 kaywoodie yellowbole stem is split
2 rob roy meerschaum
3 berkelly
4 linkmans old london
5 moresco
6 unknown berbrair
2nd pic
from left to right
1 Dr. Grabow
2 Winston Lord Abbott
3 says "Shelby" with a P in a diamond-- (parker)
4 says "Atlas Powder Company" on the bottom of the stem
5 custombuilt
You sold the Dunhills and kept the kaywoodie?To each there own. I smoke the grabows more than anything in the heard. really love the cob with the twig stem, nice looking collection, grab some Carter Hall end enjoy the new hobby.
I kept a couple that are not pictured here. I only kept them because of their history and the fact that they have my family name on them.. I probably wont smoke out of them, they just inspired me to get into pipe smoking. All of the ones pictured I am going to attempt to find info on/sell.