Steve 03:46 PM 01-24-2013
"Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the US Government Officials take care of him, better take a closer look at the American Indian."
Henry Ford
I would edit this to be ANY government of ANY country, but that's my
icehog3 03:56 PM 01-24-2013
Steve 04:16 PM 01-24-2013
Originally Posted by icehog3:
Tread carefully, follow up posters....
What he said...
Not going political, just thought it was an interesting quote from a bygone era.
mhailey 04:42 PM 01-24-2013
On a different pathway:
"I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are truly good at heart."
Anne Frank
What an amazing person.
cmitch 04:44 PM 01-24-2013
"Some things I've learned about growing old. Never waste a hard on and never trust a fart." - Jack Nicholson
hammondc 04:55 PM 01-24-2013
“I hope that someday we will be able to put away our fears and prejudices and just laugh at people.”
-Jack Handey
icehog3 05:16 PM 01-24-2013
"Let's get it on, ooooh Baby, let's get it on."
- Marvin Gaye
Steve 05:21 PM 01-24-2013
"Shake, Shake, Shake...Shake your Booty, Uh Huh!"
- K.C. and the Shoeshine Band
Originally Posted by Steve:
"Shake, Shake, Shake...Shake your Booty, Uh Huh!"
- K.C. and the Shoeshine Band
"Steve Showing His Age Again".
Larry aka Ogre
14holestogie 05:30 PM 01-24-2013
Originally Posted by Steve:
"Shake, Shake, Shake...Shake your Booty, Uh Huh!"
- K.C. and the Shoeshine Band
So, the Florida motto is now the Shoeshine State?
Whipper Snapper 05:33 PM 01-24-2013
"I like turtles."
-That kid on youtube.
Blueface 06:10 PM 01-24-2013
"some people come here to sit and think, others come here to chit and stink"
- the chit house poet
markem 06:15 PM 01-24-2013
good judgement comes from experience.
most experience comes from bad judgement.
Bondo 287 06:16 PM 01-24-2013
"Charlie bit my finger ! "
htown 07:29 PM 01-24-2013
"No matter where you go, there you are"
Buckaroo Bonzai
hotreds 07:36 PM 01-24-2013
Today is the oldest you've ever been, yet the youngest you'll ever be, so enjoy this day while it lasts.
Bondo 287 07:52 PM 01-24-2013
Originally Posted by 14holestogie:
So, the Florida motto is now the Shoeshine State? :-)
Nice Catch
RobR1205 08:02 PM 01-24-2013
One thing vampire children have to be taught early on is, don't run
with a wooden stake.
-Jack Handy