View Poll Results: Who is Going to Win the BCS Championship?
Golden Domer's (Notre Dame)
Motor Homer's (Alabama)
I Don't Care
Voters: 13. You may not vote on this poll
Sports>Who Do You Want: Golden Domer's or Motorhomer's?
CigarNut 12:34 PM 01-07-2013
Just curious what people think. Not looking for people to beat on each other
I would like to see the Golden Domer's take it...
pnoon 12:36 PM 01-07-2013
I don't care who wins as long as my "squares" come up in the pool.
elderboy02 12:36 PM 01-07-2013
Though not a fan of either team(in fact, I dislike both), I would like to see ND win. A friend that is hosting a party for the game is a big ND fan, so that would be nice for him. In a perfect world, somehow they could both lose.....
Hate em' both, but hate ND less...go Irish!
big_jaygee 12:48 PM 01-07-2013
Well I did enjoy the movie Rudy so I will go with ND tonight
jjirons69 01:08 PM 01-07-2013
+1 for the Catholic boys. Got an office pool riding on it. Need to beat the 9.5 spread to pull down some nice jack.
massphatness 01:47 PM 01-07-2013
I'm pulling for the leprechauns so I don't have to hear my buddy whine all off-season
icehog3 02:36 PM 01-07-2013
I am an SEC guy, so even though I am not a big 'Bama fan....Roll Tide!